A Guide To Recovery Time at Work, 2021

A Guide To Recovery Time at Work: A Concrete Interpretation of Wellbeing at Work

This guideline for recovery time at work is an initiative of the International Stress Management Association – Netherlands (ISMA-NL) Foundation and has been prepared by professionals in the field of work and health. This is a first step towards giving more concrete form to the concept of well-being at work, as referred to in the Working Conditions Act. The Working Conditions Act gives concrete form to physical work, but to a lesser extent gives shape to the concept of well-being at work. This is intended for managers, HR and management of companies that want to promote health, well-being and thus also sustainable employability. Furthermore, it can also be of interest to employees who are looking for guidance in relation to recovery time.
© ISMA-NL, 2021 All rights reserved. The information in this document may not be reproduced without the written permission of ISMA-NL
