ISMA India: 7th International Congress of Stress, Performance & Wellness

ISMA India: 7th International Congress of Stress, Performance & Wellness

Congress Theme: Stress: Assessments, Interventions, Technologies and COVID 19

Date: 11-12 December, 2020

The negative effects of stress have considerable damage on the learning, work performance and wellbeing of an employee. The loss of productivity due to stress alone runs into hundreds of billions of dollars across the world. Active research is going on to understand and establish stress dynamics and prudent management interventions. Since stress has proven impact on productivity, it is no more an individual concern, there is a dire need to address stress subject by the organisations comprehensively and professionally. Stress management interventions will ensure safety, wellbeing and performance of workforce.

Against the above backdrop, ISMA INDIA has organised a 7th International Congress of Stress, Performance & Wellness (ICSPW 2020) on 11th and 12th December Virtually (Online). The overall theme of the ICSPW 2020 conference is “ Stress: Assessments, Interventions, Technologies and COVID 19”
